Thursday, September 21, 2017

Man or Monkey

Another idea that I find totally absurd is the "Big Bang Theory". The notion that everything came from nothing...that something exploded and everything came into being...and they call Christians stupid for believing in an intelligent creator. I much prefer to think I had a loving creator than believe I somehow evolved over time from a monkey. 

I have yet to see something explode and create anything but devastation. I have never seen a pile of anything develop into a complicated piece of machinery with intelligent design. Anyone would agree that a beautiful skyscraper requires engineers, architects, and skilled laborers working for months or years, and yet we're expected to believe that the most complicated piece of machinery that exists (the human being) required no creator at all... not to mention all the variations of animals, flowers, trees and birds.

I have not seen or heard of any new species of animal. Nor have I heard of a human being evolving from a monkey or anything else. There are still monkeys and they are not anymore evolved than they were. And yet people still cling to that belief, vehemently defending it while calling anyone who doesn't agree with them "Stupid". I'm sorry, but that theory requires that you throw out all common's more of a fairy tale than the Creation account.

They are teaching this to our children in schools as absolute fact. Forcing them to accept it whether they agree with it or not. Some kids have been taught and believe in the Bible's version of how we got here. They are not even allowed to mention Creation as an alternative viewpoint.

Why would it be so hard to imagine that they have done the same thing with knowledge of the earth's shape? They do it with everything else. They've taken prayer out of schools and any public events. You can't mention, God, Christ or Christmas. Does anyone see a pattern here?

What are they trying to hide or promote, and why? If God isn't real, why is it such a threat to them? What would it matter what we believe? It seems to me that they know God is real, otherwise why would they try so hard to keep people from knowing about Him or believing in Him?

I would much rather believe in God, than put my faith in a Scientific theory for which they have absolutely no proof. What does one gain from believing in evolution or a big bang. I know what I gain from believing in God . . . Eternal Life!

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