Thoughts on the merits of earth being a flat, stationary plane versus a hot, spinning globe.
Monday, July 26, 2021
They're Laughing at us
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Spinning Globe or Flat Stationary Earth....Does it Even Matter?
It matters a great deal ...
I am an FE, which stands for "Flat Earther". It is my belief that the earth is not a spinning ball, that it is indeed a flat, stationary plane, that it is the center of the "Universe", and the Sun, Moon and Stars rotate around us, just as stated in the Bible account of Creation. We did not come from nothing. We did not crawl out of the primordial ooze and evolve into complicated human beings, nor did we evolve from apes.
You have no doubt seen the thousands of videos about "Flat Earth". It's unavoidable. So, being curious, I watched a few videos on the topic and found it more than intriguing. Most skeptics who research Flat Earth become "Flat Earthers". I am well aware that things are not always what they seem and that we are being lied to about just about everything. Flat Earth is no exception. I believe it is one of the biggest lies and conspiracies ever perpetrated upon mankind.
Since the beginning of time, man had always known and believed that the earth was flat. Then around 1543, along came "Copernicus": A Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe". (Copernicus was also a Free Mason, much like Darwin who was a high ranking Free Mason and Luciferian Worshiper.) Since then the world has adopted the globe model as the accepted view of our earth. It all ties in with the "Theory of Evolution", which teaches that we all came from monkeys, which is now taught in schools as fact and negates the need for a Creator God.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. The information is out there and it is up to each individual to examine things for themselves. I would like people to entertain the possibility and hopefully start to think for themselves and not just automatically accept and believe anything that is being shoved down their throats by the powers that be.
One Challenging question you could ask yourself is: "Why exactly is it that I believe the earth is a globe"? Chances are, like me, it's because that is what you have been taught since the first time you stepped foot in a classroom and saw a globe sitting on the teacher's desk. That's where it starts. But, what do your own senses tell you? Do you feel like you're on a spinning ball, spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, hurling through space? Didn't you also, like myself, have a lot of questions, because it didn't makes sense to you at the time, but accepted the explanation they gave as to why we don't fall off? By the way, gravity is also a lie. That was their answer for everything... the reason we don't fall off the earth. We don't fall off because it's flat. Also we have density, we are heavier than air. There is no need for gravity to stick us to the earth like Velcro.
There are too many facts concerning "Flat Earth" to cram into this small article. If It peaks your interest at all, you will investigate for yourselves. There are so many people and groups involved in this and other conspiracies that all tie in together, NASA, "The Illuminati" or "Elitists", "The Jesuits", Government, the Masons, our Founding Fathers, (who were all Masons themselves). Just start somewhere and start reading for yourselves.
We have been controlled and lied to since the beginning of time. The more people who become informed of what actually is going on in this world, the less they will be able to get away with, and maybe someday, "We the People" may actually be able to live on this earth the way God intended for us to live. Free of governments, free of boundaries and control, without war, without greed, hate, crime, prejudice, or the need for money and power. Where everyone is equal in the eyes of God.
The only way we will ever truly be free is when God's kingdom is set up on earth. Which is my glorious hope. That is the real reason behind all the conspiracies. They want to stop people from believing in God. That has always been the goal from the very beginning. "Let God's word be true, and every man a liar"
I did not include any links in this article because they would be biased to my point of view. You tube is a good place to start. Just search for videos on flat earth, conspiracy, or what ever you're curious about.
One I found of particular interest concerns exploration of Antartica which stopped abruptly in 1956. Until then a lot of countries were interested in Antartica because of its rich resources, like coal, oil, minerals, and uranium, to name a few. What did they find that caused all exploration to suddenly and abruptly stop, and all countries involved to sign a treaty agreeing to not do any further exploration which is still in effect to this day? And now over 50 countries have signed the treaty. It is heavily guarded and no one is allowed past a certain point.
I welcome serious, respectful comments. If you disagree, you are certainly entitled. I respect your opinion. No need to be rude, obnoxious, or insulting. I enjoy open discussion.
I am not an expert, so if you have questions like why we don't fall off the edge, or how do we get seasons, or sunsets, etc, I will more than likely tell you to look that info up for yourself.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Why are People so Closed Minded?
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Climate Change - Fact, Fiction, or an Outright Lie?
Saturday, July 17, 2021
The Sun, the Moon, and Me
Moon: Distance to Earth 238,855 miles.
If the moon is 238,855 miles away, how can it appear to be in front of the electrical wires? Just a question that passed through my mind immediately upon seeing this picture. Not trying to insinuate anything. Just questioning the narrative based on my own observations.
Science tells us it is only 238,885 miles away to explain why the sun and moon appear to be the same size.
Science also tells us the moon is not a source of light, it does not have it’s own light. It reflects light from the sun and stars, which gives it the appearance of producing it’s own light. The light coming from the moon is reflected sunlight bouncing off the moon's surface, which is referred to as moonglow.
God said:
Genesis 1:14-19 says: “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.
He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”
According to the Bible the moon is a source of is in and of itself a luminary placed in the sky to give light...a lesser light to rule the night. It does not say: Let the moon reflect the sun's light to rule the night.
This photo is supposed to show the positions of the earth, sun and moon
If this is accurate, I do not see how the moon would reflect the light from the sun. The earth is much larger than the moon and is positioned between the moon and the sun. I'm not a scientist, so I can't speak to the physics or complicated mathematical equations involved. I just have 2 eyes, and the common sense and reasoning that God gave me...and this don't add up. You can draw your own conclusions of course.