Let me begin by saying: "Yes", climate change is real, just not for the reasons we are being told. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time...if it didn't, we would still be in the ice age. Long before cars, aerosol cans, air conditioners, factories, and all the other factors they claim are the cause; high levels of carbon dioxide have always existed and the climate has always fluctuated between warm and cold. Nature, by its vary nature (pun intended) is ever changing, never static.
There is no denying man has polluted the air, and water; cut down rainforests and depleted the soil (which could impact the climate to a degree), but not the cause of the "climate change" they are trying to ram down our throats.
They can't profit from nature, so they have to convince us it's man made; that way they can
impose regulations, force us to buy their cars and implement changes they can profit from big time. It's just another way they try to control us.
The only ones messing with the climate are scientists and the government, with chemical spraying and HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which is a $30 million Pentagon and U.S. military defense project that uses electro magnetic waves to produce earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, lightning, tornadoes, floods, drought, global warming...etc. They are playing God with the weather and our lives.
NASA Rain Cloud Generator
In 2005, the Air Force stated, " Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally...It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.
So they admit to using weather modification to control us, (used for deterrence purposes)...not just on our enemies, but on American's also (domestic and international).
This is why they need to force the "Climate Change Narrative" on us...explains away a lot of things.
"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"
YouTube: Nasa Rain Cloud Generator:
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