Monday, July 26, 2021

They're Laughing at us

"Deep Fake"...Nasa's been doing it for decades

 This is a photo of "Pluto" taken from Nasa's own website
Does anyone see the irony? I can see an outline of the "Disney" character "Pluto". I think this is what they refer to as the heart of Pluto. Do they really think we are that stupid? 

Nasa employs more artists than they do scientists. I think some may have once been employed 
by "Disney".

In this vid clip, The Deep Space Climate Observatory captured a unique view of the Moon as it passed between the spacecraft and Earth
                         Enter Stage left...Exit stage right. This is supposed to be a live image. I've seen better CGIs by 10 year olds. Why is the background sky so totally black? Where are all the stars and space dust? Come on man!

In Orbit Around a Red Dwarf Star
Planet TOI-1231 b orbits a red dwarf star some 90 light-years away from Earth and is oddly reminiscent of our own Neptune. (Props to the artist)

This is just 3 examples. There are thousands and thousands. This is what we get from NASA for trillions of tax payer dollars, modern technological advances, and 50 years of "space" exploration?

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