Monday, July 26, 2021

They're Laughing at us

"Deep Fake"...Nasa's been doing it for decades

 This is a photo of "Pluto" taken from Nasa's own website
Does anyone see the irony? I can see an outline of the "Disney" character "Pluto". I think this is what they refer to as the heart of Pluto. Do they really think we are that stupid? 

Nasa employs more artists than they do scientists. I think some may have once been employed 
by "Disney".

In this vid clip, The Deep Space Climate Observatory captured a unique view of the Moon as it passed between the spacecraft and Earth
                         Enter Stage left...Exit stage right. This is supposed to be a live image. I've seen better CGIs by 10 year olds. Why is the background sky so totally black? Where are all the stars and space dust? Come on man!

In Orbit Around a Red Dwarf Star
Planet TOI-1231 b orbits a red dwarf star some 90 light-years away from Earth and is oddly reminiscent of our own Neptune. (Props to the artist)

This is just 3 examples. There are thousands and thousands. This is what we get from NASA for trillions of tax payer dollars, modern technological advances, and 50 years of "space" exploration?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Spinning Globe or Flat Stationary Earth....Does it Even Matter?

It matters a great deal ...

I am an FE, which stands for "Flat Earther". It is my belief that the earth is not a spinning ball, that it is indeed a flat, stationary plane, that it is the center of the "Universe", and the Sun, Moon and Stars rotate around us, just as stated in the Bible account of Creation. We did not come from nothing. We did not crawl out of the primordial ooze and evolve into complicated human beings, nor did we evolve from apes.

You have no doubt seen the thousands of videos about "Flat Earth". It's unavoidable. So, being curious, I watched a few videos on the topic and found it more than intriguing. Most skeptics who research Flat Earth become "Flat Earthers". I am well aware that things are not always what they seem and that we are being lied to about just about everything. Flat Earth is no exception. I believe it is one of the biggest lies and conspiracies ever perpetrated upon mankind. 

Since the beginning of time, man had always known and believed that the earth was flat. Then around 1543, along came "Copernicus": A Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe". (Copernicus was also a Free Mason, much like Darwin who was a high ranking Free Mason and Luciferian Worshiper.) Since then the world has adopted the globe model as the accepted view of our earth. It all ties in with the "Theory of Evolution", which teaches that we all came from monkeys, which is now taught in schools as fact and negates the need for a Creator God. 

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. The information is out there and it is up to each individual to examine things for themselves. I would like people to entertain the possibility and hopefully start to think for themselves and not just automatically accept and believe anything that is being shoved down their throats by the powers that be. 

 One Challenging question you could ask yourself is: "Why exactly is it that I believe the earth is a globe"? Chances are, like me, it's because that is what you have been taught since the first time you stepped foot in a classroom and saw a globe sitting on the teacher's desk. That's where it starts. But, what do your own senses tell you? Do you feel like you're on a spinning ball, spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, hurling through space? Didn't you also, like myself, have a lot of questions, because it didn't makes sense to you at the time, but accepted the explanation they gave as to why we don't fall off? By the way, gravity is also a lie. That was their answer for everything... the reason we don't fall off the earth. We don't fall off because it's flat. Also we have density, we are heavier than air. There is no need for gravity to stick us to the earth like Velcro.

There are too many facts concerning "Flat Earth" to cram into this small article. If It peaks your interest at all, you will investigate for yourselves. There are so many people and groups involved in this and other conspiracies that all tie in together, NASA, "The Illuminati" or "Elitists", "The Jesuits", Government, the Masons, our Founding Fathers, (who were all Masons themselves). Just start somewhere and start reading for yourselves.  

We have been controlled and lied to since the beginning of time. The more people who become informed of what actually is going on in this world, the less they will be able to get away with, and maybe someday, "We the People" may actually be able to live on this earth the way God intended for us to live.  Free of governments, free of boundaries and control, without war, without greed, hate, crime,  prejudice, or the need for money and power. Where everyone is equal in the eyes of God. 

The only way we will ever truly be free is when God's kingdom is set up on earth. Which is my glorious hope. That is the real reason behind all the conspiracies. They want to stop people from believing in God. That has always been the goal from the very beginning. "Let God's word be true, and every man a liar"

I did not include any links in this article because they would be biased to my point of view. You tube is a good place to start. Just search for videos on flat earth, conspiracy, or what ever you're curious about. 

One I found of particular interest concerns exploration of Antartica which stopped abruptly in 1956. Until then a lot of countries were interested in Antartica because of its rich resources, like coal, oil, minerals, and uranium, to name a few. What did they find that caused all exploration to suddenly and abruptly stop, and all countries involved to sign a treaty agreeing to not do any further exploration which is still in effect to this day? And now over 50 countries have signed the treaty. It is heavily guarded and no one is allowed past a certain point.

I welcome serious, respectful comments. If you disagree, you are certainly entitled. I respect your opinion. No need to be rude, obnoxious, or insulting. I enjoy open discussion.   

I am not an expert, so if you have questions like why we don't fall off the edge, or how do we get seasons, or sunsets, etc, I will more than likely tell you to look that info up for yourself.  

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Why are People so Closed Minded?


If you have ever tried to have a discussion with someone about "Flat Earth", even hypothetically, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. People become absolutely unhinged, as if you were attacking them personally. What is up with that?

What really bothers me is that you are expected to have every answer to how everything works on a flat earth, yet they don't know exactly how the "globe" works either. I don't have to understand all the inner workings of a car in order to drive, or how electricity works to turn on a light.

I am not a scientist or quantum physicist...I am just a normal person that happens to believe differently about the world I live in and have observed for 68 years. Even when I was a kid in grade school I questioned the narrative. To me it just didn't make sense. Turns out I was right. 

Someday we will all know the truth about everything. If it turns out the earth is actually a spinning, hot ball (I'd be very surprised), but I would have to accept it. (I can admit if I am wrong), however, are they ready to accept if the opposite turns out to be true? ...Time will tell!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Climate Change - Fact, Fiction, or an Outright Lie?

Let me begin by saying: "Yes", climate change is real, just not for the reasons we are being told. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time...if it didn't, we would still be in the ice age. Long before cars, aerosol cans, air conditioners, factories, and all the other factors they claim are the cause; high levels of carbon dioxide have always existed and the climate has always fluctuated between warm and cold. Nature, by its vary nature (pun intended) is ever changing, never static.

There is no denying man has polluted the air, and water; cut down rainforests and depleted the soil (which could impact the climate to a degree), but not the cause of the "climate change" they are trying to ram down our throats. 

They can't profit from nature, so they have to convince us it's man made; that way they can
impose regulations, force us to buy their cars and implement changes they can profit from big time. It's just another way they try to control us.

The only ones messing with the climate are scientists and the government, with chemical spraying and HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which is a $30 million Pentagon and U.S. military defense project that uses electro magnetic waves to produce earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, lightning, tornadoes, floods, drought, global warming...etc. They are playing God with the weather and our lives. 

NASA Rain Cloud Generator

In a book published by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, Michel Chossudovsky stated that "recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the capability of triggering floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes." (2014)

In 2005, the Air Force stated, " Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally...It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.

So they admit to using weather modification to control us, (used for deterrence purposes)...not just on our enemies, but on American's also (domestic and international).

This is why they need to force the "Climate Change Narrative" on us...explains away a lot of things.

"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Sun, the Moon, and Me

93,000,000 Miles Away.....Really? This is a real pic that a friend took while visiting the statue, so I know it isn't photo shopped. She wasn't even trying to capture it. She was just snapping a pic and inadvertently got a great shot. 

If you notice, the rays extending from the sun are very short, which shows how close it is. If the sun was 93,000,000 miles away the rays would extend far out of our range of vision. (My opinion, not a scientific fact.)

 This is another picture that gives me pause
                                The full moon, taken by a friend, not photo shopped

 Moon: Distance to Earth  238,855 miles. 

If the moon is 238,855 miles away, how can it appear to be in front of the electrical wires? Just a question that passed through my mind immediately upon seeing this picture. Not trying to insinuate anything. Just questioning the narrative based on my own observations. 

Science tells us it is only 238,885 miles away to explain why the sun and moon appear to be the same size.

Science also tells us the moon is not a source of light, it does not have it’s own light. It reflects light from the sun and stars, which gives it the appearance of producing it’s own light. The light coming from the moon is reflected sunlight bouncing off the moon's surface, which is referred to as moonglow. 

God said: 

Genesis 1:14-19 says: “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. 

He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”

According to the Bible the moon is a source of is in and of itself a luminary placed in the sky to give light...a lesser light to rule the night. It does not say: Let the moon reflect the sun's light to rule the night. 

          This photo is supposed to show the positions of the earth, sun and moon 


If this is accurate, I do not see how the moon would reflect the light from the sun. The earth is much larger than the moon and is positioned between the moon and the sun. I'm not a scientist, so I can't speak to the physics or complicated mathematical equations involved. I just have 2 eyes, and the common sense and reasoning that God gave me...and this don't add up. You can draw your own conclusions of course.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

What the Hell are We doing Here?

Why are we here? How did we get here? What is our purpose, if any? Is the earth round, flat, or pear-shaped . . . and what difference does it make? Questions we all think about at some point. I have always questioned things that didn't make sense. In pursuit of answers I've only been met with more questions. It seems there are no clear answers, only theories, opinions and conjecture. There is a multitude of conspiracy theories alluding to lies and cover-ups about the true nature of our reality. Trying to sift through all the information and sort out what is science and what is fiction will leave your head spinning faster than this purported spinning ball we live on.

Does life have to have meaning . . . Isn't it enough just being alive? It should be, but as I go through my daily routine at some point during the day the question always pops into my head. Like when I'm doing dishes, or cleaning the toilet, I'll think how mundane and monotonous it all seems. I can't fathom that we were created and put here just to perform daily chores . . . although these things are necessary do they define who we are?

I try to find meaning in the everydayness. Life doesn't make any sense though. You're born . . . you do stuff in between . . . and then you die. So, does the stuff you do in between really matter? What is the point of wasting the first thirteen years of life sitting in classroom after classroom memorizing and regurgitating useless facts, then on to higher education to learn more BS, which is supposed to prepare you to live and work in society. You get a soul sucking job so you can afford a roof over your head, food in your stomach and a place to sleep, wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. That is not life, but unfortunately that is where a majority of humanity finds themselves. One day you wake up only to realize you're 65 and your whole life has passed you by. All you have to show for it is a stack of bills, a mortgage and a beater car sitting in the driveway. The kids have grown and moved out. Now you are faced with a lot of empty time to fill. What you thought was your purpose is over and you're left with Who am I? What do I do now?.... and all the other identity crisis questions.

I am sure I am not the only one dealing with these issues. It has been the topic of poets, theologians and philosophers alike. Volumes have been written throughout millennia with no two agreeing on the true nature of our reality. Even the Bible leaves you with far more questions than answers? Do we have to wait until we die to know why we we're here and what we we're supposed to accomplish? I should think then would be too late. Some say we come back again and again until we get it right. I think in that case it would be nice to arrive fore-armed with knowledge of who and why we're here.

The never ending quest continues . . .

Friday, September 22, 2017

Before the World Went Mad

I was lucky enough to have been born in the fifties and had the opportunity to experience what life was like before the world went completely mad.

It was an easy going, carefree time, even though we were still recovering from World War II, it was a time when kids could be kids. When home life and family values were still in fashion. If things were bad I wouldn't have known, I was too busy just being a kid.

But then came the turbulent sixties; peace, love, sex and drugs, which I point to as the time everything changed forever. Innocence was lost, the world no longer felt like the safe haven I grew up in. Each decade since has been worse than the one before. I am now in my sixties, and find my self longing for those days

Kids today have no reference point other than the present. They do not have those values instilled from an early age. They will grow up thinking and believing all of this is normal, being confused about whether they are male or female, not knowing where to go to the bathroom, or how to dress or act. When I grew up there was no doubt who was a man or who was a women. We knew who we were. Now, even I have a hard time identifying the gender of people I encounter on a daily basis. 

I'm not talking about homosexuality (that has always existed), I'm talking about the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. Where children are being raised to choose the sex they want to be. It is a deliberate agenda to make us a genderless society... It is being forced down our throats to accept this as normal. It is not normal, and frankly, it makes me sick and angry. It makes me angry because I have grandchildren and will soon have great-grandchildren that will never know the difference between right or wrong. They will grow up thinking all of this is acceptable, normal behavior. I can't even imagine what the world will be like when all of this comes to fruition. I'm glad I won't be here to see it, but sad that there will be no one left that knows what it was like before the world went completely mad.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Man or Monkey

Another idea that I find totally absurd is the "Big Bang Theory". The notion that everything came from nothing...that something exploded and everything came into being...and they call Christians stupid for believing in an intelligent creator. I much prefer to think I had a loving creator than believe I somehow evolved over time from a monkey. 

I have yet to see something explode and create anything but devastation. I have never seen a pile of anything develop into a complicated piece of machinery with intelligent design. Anyone would agree that a beautiful skyscraper requires engineers, architects, and skilled laborers working for months or years, and yet we're expected to believe that the most complicated piece of machinery that exists (the human being) required no creator at all... not to mention all the variations of animals, flowers, trees and birds.

I have not seen or heard of any new species of animal. Nor have I heard of a human being evolving from a monkey or anything else. There are still monkeys and they are not anymore evolved than they were. And yet people still cling to that belief, vehemently defending it while calling anyone who doesn't agree with them "Stupid". I'm sorry, but that theory requires that you throw out all common's more of a fairy tale than the Creation account.

They are teaching this to our children in schools as absolute fact. Forcing them to accept it whether they agree with it or not. Some kids have been taught and believe in the Bible's version of how we got here. They are not even allowed to mention Creation as an alternative viewpoint.

Why would it be so hard to imagine that they have done the same thing with knowledge of the earth's shape? They do it with everything else. They've taken prayer out of schools and any public events. You can't mention, God, Christ or Christmas. Does anyone see a pattern here?

What are they trying to hide or promote, and why? If God isn't real, why is it such a threat to them? What would it matter what we believe? It seems to me that they know God is real, otherwise why would they try so hard to keep people from knowing about Him or believing in Him?

I would much rather believe in God, than put my faith in a Scientific theory for which they have absolutely no proof. What does one gain from believing in evolution or a big bang. I know what I gain from believing in God . . . Eternal Life!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

God Said it and That's Good Enough for Me

Does God care about the shape of the earth, whether it's flat, round or pear shaped? I think he does. It's his creation. Does he want us to know what the truth is about this earth he created especially for us? All I can say is, the very first chapter in the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, is devoted to this very topic. "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth" and then it goes on to describe it in vivid detail. So, yes, I think he does want us to know. If we've been being lied to about God's creation, I think we should try to find out just what the truth about it is.

Satan is the father of the lie. That's what he does...he lies about everything God says and turns it backwards. Why would what God says about his earth be any different? Why do people find it so hard to believe that they may have been lied to about this? Why is it so hard to believe that the earth we live on may indeed be flat and not spherical? I think it will be the same way with evolution in a few years. People who grew up only knowing evolution as an explanation of how we got here, will find out one day that they've been deceived their whole lives and will try to cling to their monkey ancestors rather than listen to any logic presented.

God created the earth and everything in it for our home and placed us in it. I think he should know more than anyone what the shape of it is and about it's placement in the heavens and the placement of the Sun, Moon and stars, and their function.

I would take God's word before I would take the word of Scientists or Evolutionists. They would do or say anything to discredit God or the idea of a Creator. They want to take people's minds away from God. They are always trying to disprove Creation.

It's important, because, I think if people found out the truth, that they live on a flat, enclosed (dome, firmament) earth, that is "geocentric" and not "heliocentric" therefore making it the center of God's creation and not just one of billions of Planets and Universes, they would realize, that there is a God, that we were created, that the Bible is true, and Satan, the world, scientists, governments, Nasa, etc are liars. So there's a lot a stake for them. They have a lot vested in this lie and will do anything to keep it from our discovery.

They've done a pretty good job of it so far, but people are starting to wake up and see beyond the lies, and question things that don't make sense.

*But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. (Hebrews 1:2)
*Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. (2 Peter 3:3)
*Make the work harder for the people so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies. (Exodus 5:9)
*Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (1 John 4:1)

My thought process on this is, it certainly can't hurt to look into the matter. What do we have to lose . . . do we have anything vested in the globe except maybe our pride? I for one want to know!

All this I tested by wisdom and I said, “I am determined to be wise —but this was beyond me." (Ecclesiastes 7:23)

Flat Earth Proves Creation

There are so many components to "Flat earth". I know I've been on this topic for a while now, but I think it's important to know if we have been walking around for the past 1500 years under the impression that we live on a sphere, that we revolve around the sun, believing it to be the center of the Universe and that the sun is supposedly 93 million miles away. Wouldn't you want to know if that were not the case...that we have in fact been lied to all of our lives and the complete opposite is true? What do your own senses tell you? Not what you have been taught and brainwashed to believe, but what your own common sense dictates. When I look up at the sun it seems so close. I think, How could it possibly be 93 million miles away? Just how big would it have to be for us to see it as large as it appears down here? Truth is, it actually is the size it appears and is probably around 3,000 miles from earth. The moon also is the size and distance it appears to be. The earth is the center of the so called "Universe" and the sun and moon revolve around us. The moon gives off its own light, not reflected light from the sun. Experiments have proven that the moon's light is a cold light, not hot like the sun.

It is exactly as stated in Genesis, in the Bible's account of Creation, which says, and I'm paraphrasing:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void. God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light...and God divided the light from the darkness.  God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.  God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth,  and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. I also see no reference to planets in this account (does not mean God did not create them) just saying.

Other places in the Bible where the earth is referred to as fixed, Immoveable and stretched out (flat) This is but a few, there are more:

*Job 37:3 He directeth it under the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth. *(Speaks of the ends of the earth, a round globe doesn't have ends.)
*Job 37:18 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? *(Speaks of the sky, firmament as being hard perhaps like a dome).
*Job 38:13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? *(Again the ends of the earth are referred to.)
*Job 28:24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; *(Ends of the earth ...a globe has no ends.)
*1 Samuel 2:8: For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He set the world on them.  *(speaks of the earth being on pillars)
*1 Chronicles 16:30: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable." *(Firm and immovable)
*Joshua 10:13: And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. *(This is one of my favorites, because it states the sun (and moon) stood still, inferring that it is the sun that revolves around the earth, not the other way around.)
*Proverbs 8: 27 When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep. *(Inscribed or etched a circle not a sphere . . . the writers knew the difference of both words.)
*Proverbs 8:29: When He set for the sea its boundary So that the water would not transgress His command, When He marked out the foundations of the earth;
*Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm"
*Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable"
*Psalm 104:5: "Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken."
*Psalm 136:6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy(Stretched out, as in flat . . . how do you stretch out a globe?)
*Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
*Isaiah 45:18: "...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast"
*Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth... *(Four corners...a globe does not have corners).

Of course, if you don't believe in God or the Bible, then these scriptures would mean little or nothing to you. However, if in fact it turns out that the earth really is flat, that in and of itself would prove the Bible to be true and in turn confirm the existence of a Creator God.

In summation the Bible states that the earth is fixed and immoveable, stretched out as in flat, a circle, as in flat not spherical, having four corners and that he placed the sun, moon and stars in the firmament and determined their paths. It does not say anything about a sphere, planets or outer space. It really puts things in perspective. It places us at the center of creation and makes us not some random accident.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oh My God, We're Going to Fall Off!

You live on this.

The first thing scoffers always ask is, Aren't you afraid you're gonna fall off? Really? So, they find it easier to believe that we would fall off a flat, stationary surface rather than a spinning ball? Which sounds more logical to you? It's very hard to find a flat plane on a round object. Every part of a sphere is curved . . . and half the world at any given time is upside down on the other side of this spinning ball, and you're worried about falling off of a flat plane?

Gravity is supposed to explain everything illogical about the globe. It explains why we don't fall off, why vast bodies of water wrap around and cling to the earth as it spins. They even claim gravity makes the atmosphere stick to the earth as it spins. It's like the "magic bullet"

If the earth is flat, there's no need for this mythical gravity. Everything naturally stays put due to mass and weight. We're heavier than air.

Another term I've heard used instead of gravity is "Herphloglafil" (an attractive force between objects with mass). Where do they come up with this stuff?

I also find it odd or suspect that all the supposed celestial bodies e.g., earth, and the other planets are so perfectly round. I would think they would be jagged, irregular shaped masses. How did they get so smooth and round. There's no friction in space. Hmmm! Just a thought.

Why so Angry

What is it about Flat Earth, that causes otherwise reasonable people to turn into an angry mob... and believe me, people really do get angry. Try it for yourself sometime when you're sitting around the campfire with friends. Light-heartedly sneak it into the conversation. It won't be long before it turns into a heated debate. I don't know why it makes people so's like they have a vested interest in the "Globe" or something.

I also do not think the idea of a flat earth is anymore ludicrous than thinking we live on a hot, spinning ball hurling through space at an incredible 67,000 miles per hour, while at the same time rotating on its "axis" at approximately 1,000 miles per hour. I get dizzy just walking around my kitchen If my equilibrium is the slightest bit off, I get so dizzy I can hardly walk...yet I'm supposed to believe that I am traveling on an orb, at super sonic speeds (at times upside down), and I don't feel a thing? Now that's what I call ludicrous.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Conspiracy or Lunacy

Being a so called "conspiracy theorist" is a lonely life. There is no one you can talk to about all the things you are discovering. I more or less feel like the relative that everyone rolls their eyes and shakes their head at like they're crazy. I don't like being placated. I don't want people acting like I'm crazy just because I dare to see beyond the surface and am willing to examine the possibility that things aren't always what we're told or what they seem.

Most people prefer to keep their head in the sand and go about their daily lives believing the "American Dream" and trusting in politicians thinking they are good ole boys who just have our best interest at heart. Please!

The conspiracies that exist are not unrelated, separate incidences. Just like the stories in the Bible are not isolated stories, but one continuous story with one theme from beginning to end. They all tie in with each other and go back thousands of years. It's almost impossible not to see the correlation between what is going on in our world and what the Bible prophesied, because that is where the conspiracies got their start. Their roots can be traced back to the rebellion in the Garden of Eden when Satan challenged God's authority and that is what it's still about to this day. Most people just can't see it because God has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers. John 12:40 He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts . . .

I don't think we can remain oblivious to the things going on around us anymore. Once you become aware of things it's pretty hard not to see them for what they are. The world we live in and most of the people in it are just plain evil. The people who run the world have lorded it over the masses for thousands of years, keeping us in slavery.
It starts at a very young age with our children. They've taken prayer out of schools and God out of everything. They teach evolution and the Big bang theory. Poison their minds and their bodies with GMOs, preservatives, antibiotics, vaccinations, fluoride and much more. They're bombarded with violence and sexual images on a daily basis, till they become indifferent and accept these things as normal.

It's like the Bible says about calling evil good, and good evil. Look around...Isn't everything that was once considered evil or sinful now the accepted norm and everything that was once decent and good, frowned upon and put down? We're made to feel small and stupid for believing in morals and principals.

We live in a time where we can no longer be complacent. We all have to make a decision on where we stand. James 4:4 states that friendship with the world is enmity with God . . . and whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. There is no neutral position, no middle of the road attitude. It's either one side or the other. Revelation 3:16 says "Because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth."

This is not our battle to fight with weapons of warfare, but it's a spiritual battle. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly place.

Conspiracies are just one aspect of the whole, which is that we are living in perilous times spoken of in the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:1 Know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. But we are not without hope. For in Luke 21:28 it says when these things begin to happen, look up and lift your heads because your redemption draws near.

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57